Connecting Aurora: Our Multimodal Transportation Master Plan

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Connecting Aurora Project Logo

Let’s build the future of Aurora transportation together!

Your feedback is critical in guiding the development of Connecting Aurora, the city's first-ever citywide multimodal transportation master plan that will identify projects, policies and programs to be implemented over the next five to 20 years and beyond. We have already hosted several online and in-person opportunities for the community to engage and provide input throughout the planning process, and there will be more to come.

Through 2025, the city is examining how to better connect our residents, employees and visitors to various destinations in Aurora. The resulting plan will propose improvements throughout our city that offer safer and more sustainable and convenient transportation options for everyone who walks, rolls, bikes, takes transit or drives to work, shopping, school, and parks, etc.

The final opportunity to offer feedback for Connecting Aurora, the city’s first-ever multimodal transportation master plan, is coming up in April. Your input will help inform the final multimodal network for Aurora and what traffic, bicycle, pedestrian, and transit projects, programs, and policies we should prioritize in the coming years. Provide feedback online from April 1 to 22 or join us at one of our events (details in the Key Dates section):

  • Virtual Town Hall: Wednesday, April 9, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Zoom
  • Engage Aurora Live!: Saturday, April 19, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Aurora Municipal Center
  • Roundtable Discussion: Tuesday, April 22, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Aurora Central Library

Milestone 1 and 2 community engagement opportunities are closed. Thank you to everyone who has participated so far!

Click on the Subscribe button to the right (or below if on mobile) to receive periodic project updates and opportunities to provide feedback. Tell your friends and neighbors about this project and encourage them to get involved.

We just launched a channel for this project on What's App for Business! If you are on What's App, follow our channel for regular project updates.

Review our project factsheets for a quick overview of the project.

Let’s build the future of Aurora transportation together!

Your feedback is critical in guiding the development of Connecting Aurora, the city's first-ever citywide multimodal transportation master plan that will identify projects, policies and programs to be implemented over the next five to 20 years and beyond. We have already hosted several online and in-person opportunities for the community to engage and provide input throughout the planning process, and there will be more to come.

Through 2025, the city is examining how to better connect our residents, employees and visitors to various destinations in Aurora. The resulting plan will propose improvements throughout our city that offer safer and more sustainable and convenient transportation options for everyone who walks, rolls, bikes, takes transit or drives to work, shopping, school, and parks, etc.

The final opportunity to offer feedback for Connecting Aurora, the city’s first-ever multimodal transportation master plan, is coming up in April. Your input will help inform the final multimodal network for Aurora and what traffic, bicycle, pedestrian, and transit projects, programs, and policies we should prioritize in the coming years. Provide feedback online from April 1 to 22 or join us at one of our events (details in the Key Dates section):

  • Virtual Town Hall: Wednesday, April 9, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Zoom
  • Engage Aurora Live!: Saturday, April 19, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Aurora Municipal Center
  • Roundtable Discussion: Tuesday, April 22, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Aurora Central Library

Milestone 1 and 2 community engagement opportunities are closed. Thank you to everyone who has participated so far!

Click on the Subscribe button to the right (or below if on mobile) to receive periodic project updates and opportunities to provide feedback. Tell your friends and neighbors about this project and encourage them to get involved.

We just launched a channel for this project on What's App for Business! If you are on What's App, follow our channel for regular project updates.

Review our project factsheets for a quick overview of the project.

  • CLOSED: Share Your Thoughts for Milestone 2

    Share CLOSED: Share Your Thoughts for Milestone 2 on Facebook Share CLOSED: Share Your Thoughts for Milestone 2 on Twitter Share CLOSED: Share Your Thoughts for Milestone 2 on Linkedin Email CLOSED: Share Your Thoughts for Milestone 2 link

    Images with an older woman and walker, kid on a bike and street intersection with people crossing.


    The city is developing Connecting Aurora over a two-year period, and will complete the project at the end of 2025. Throughout the process, we will work closely with you to ensure we are headed in the right direction and that the outcomes reflect our community’s needs.

    Feedback was collected Nov. 6-Dec. 22, 2024. The next feedback opportunity will be Spring 2025. Sign up for updates by click the subscribe button on this page.

    Click here to view information shared at the open houses.

    Click here to view a summary of feedback collected during Milestone 2.

  • Our Shared Vision, Mission and Goals

    Share Our Shared Vision, Mission and Goals on Facebook Share Our Shared Vision, Mission and Goals on Twitter Share Our Shared Vision, Mission and Goals on Linkedin Email Our Shared Vision, Mission and Goals link

    Our vision, mission and bedrock practices were developed based on our extensive public engagement efforts during Milestone 1.

    Our Vision

    Vision icon

    Aurora safely connects all people to our places for a healthy, sustainable, and economically strong community.

    Our Mission

    Mountain with flag on peak icon

    The city of Aurora will provide a complete transportation system to meet the needs of all people. The city will engage the public in the delivery of plans, programs, policies, standards, and projects.

    Our Bedrock Practices

    These bedrock practices define the way the city plans to do business while implementing the plan. As new plans, programs, policies, standards, and projects are developed, city staff will commit to using these practices as the foundation for successful implementation.

    People icon Conversation bubble icon Handshake icon Lightbulb idea icon
    Focus on People
    Be Context Sensitive

    Modernize icon Magnifying glass icon Puzzle icon
    Be Inclusive

    Our Goals

    The following goals support the Connecting Aurora's vision and mission and provide more specific guidance on what the city plans to achieve through the implementation of this plan, for both individual travelers and for the community at large.

    Shield icon Badge ribbon icon Multiple location icons creating a path icon Network icon Cog icon with arrows
    People are safe and
    feel safe traveling
    in our city
    People can depend on all forms of transportation

    People can move around our city efficiently and easily.

    People are well-connected to the

    places they want to
    go however, they choose to move.

    Infrastructure and services can be

    built, operated,
    and maintained at
    high levels,
    in a fiscally and environmentally sustainable way.

    Economic icon Mountain and bike icon Plan icon Scale icon Document icon
    Economically Strong
    The community's economic vitality
    is supported and
    enhanced by the transportation network.

    The community is served by transportation that supports a healthy lifestyle and environment.

    Infrastructure design contributes to the creation of great places

    and preservation of traditionally
    unique places.

    All people have viable

    transportation choices to meet their needs.

    People have easy access

    to a mix of places because
    land use and transportation
    are fully woven together.

  • What We've Heard So Far - Milestone 1

    Share What We've Heard So Far - Milestone 1 on Facebook Share What We've Heard So Far - Milestone 1 on Twitter Share What We've Heard So Far - Milestone 1 on Linkedin Email What We've Heard So Far - Milestone 1 link

    In spring and summer 2024, we gathered feedback in person and online to better understand the challenges people face as they travel in Aurora.

    Your top concerns:

    Car icon Multiple cars icon Walking and biking icon Transit icon Street icon Location pin icon

    Many people
    do not feel safe traveling outside their car.

    Driving is
    by bottlenecks.
    Speeding and
    unsafe driving
    behavior are key issues.

    Walking and biking are uncomfortable,
    and the places people want to go are too far away.

    Public transit security is an issue, and bus and train service is infrequent, unreliable,
    and too slow.

    There is a desire to have
    higher quality streets/places.

    It's difficult for people to get to key destinations
    and services without a car.

    The transportation system the community wants to see will be:

    Graphic with circles of various sizes and colors. The large circles indicate words used more frequently during the first round of engagement, including safe, frequent, efficient, faster, bike friendly, pet friendly and connected.

    Click here for information and feedback opportunities shared during Milestone 1.

    Click here to learn more about what was discovered during Milestone 1 based on community feedback with our Milestone 1 engagement summary.

    Click here to learn more about what was discovered between Milestone 1 and 2 from the community.

Page last updated: 18 Mar 2025, 10:08 PM