Our Shared Vision, Mission and Goals

Our vision, mission and bedrock practices were developed based on our extensive public engagement efforts during Milestone 1.

Our Vision

Vision icon

Aurora safely connects all people to our places for a healthy, sustainable, and economically strong community.

Our Mission

Mountain with flag on peak icon

The city of Aurora will provide a complete transportation system to meet the needs of all people. The city will engage the public in the delivery of plans, programs, policies, standards, and projects.

Our Bedrock Practices

These bedrock practices define the way the city plans to do business while implementing the plan. As new plans, programs, policies, standards, and projects are developed, city staff will commit to using these practices as the foundation for successful implementation.

People icon Conversation bubble icon Handshake icon Lightbulb idea icon
Focus on People
Be Context Sensitive

Modernize icon Magnifying glass icon Puzzle icon
Be Inclusive

Our Goals

The following goals support the Connecting Aurora's vision and mission and provide more specific guidance on what the city plans to achieve through the implementation of this plan, for both individual travelers and for the community at large.

Shield icon Badge ribbon icon Multiple location icons creating a path icon Network icon Cog icon with arrows
People are safe and
feel safe traveling
in our city
People can depend on all forms of transportation

People can move around our city efficiently and easily.

People are well-connected to the

places they want to
go however, they choose to move.

Infrastructure and services can be

built, operated,
and maintained at
high levels,
in a fiscally and environmentally sustainable way.

Economic icon Mountain and bike icon Plan icon Scale icon Document icon
Economically Strong
The community's economic vitality
is supported and
enhanced by the transportation network.

The community is served by transportation that supports a healthy lifestyle and environment.

Infrastructure design contributes to the creation of great places

and preservation of traditionally
unique places.

All people have viable

transportation choices to meet their needs.

People have easy access

to a mix of places because
land use and transportation
are fully woven together.

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