What is the purpose of the city's drainage criteria manual?

    The purpose of the drainage criteria manual is to ensure that the health, safety, welfare and property of the city and residents is protected through proper management of storm and surface waters. Planning and design must provide control of storm drainage with respect to water quantity and quality, and conformity with these criteria provides uniform performance of the storm drainage system as a whole. 

    Why is the drainage manual being updated?

    The last version of the criteria manual became effective Oct. 11, 2010. In the past 12 years, the state of the practice for stormwater and drainage management has developed as well as conditions within the city and expectations for the future. Some practices for drainage have remained the same while others have evolved. The drainage criteria manual update aims to make the manual current, user friendly and beneficial to Aurora residents.

    How is the city determining what criteria changes to make?

    The city is considering many sources of information and guidance in order to best update the criteria. These include:

    • Experience reviewing projects and observing drainage conditions and lessons learned since the last criteria manual update.
    • Current local and national standards of practice, for example criteria from the Mile High Flood District. 
    • Feedback from stakeholders like you.

    The city is collaborating with the Mile High Flood District as well as Wright Water Engineers to evaluate and implement appropriate changes. 

    What projects do the drainage criteria manual updates affect?

    Development and redevelopment projects as well as construction projects within city right of way are required to adhere to the city's codes, criteria and manuals, including the Storm Drainage Design & Technical Criteria.

    When will the drainage criteria manual be adopted?

    Once the public review process is complete, the city will review the feedback and make the appropriate edits. The drainage criteria manual will then be promulgated in accordance with city code. As feedback is received and chapters become finalized, updates on the final adoption date will be shared on this website. There is a link to subscribe to updates on the main page.