What are bulb-outs?

    The project will install bulb-outs (also known as curb extensions) at eight intersections. Bulb-outs extend the curb line at intersections to visually and physically narrow the roadway, reducing pedestrian crossing distances and encouraging slower vehicle speeds. Bulb-outs may be constructed with paint and flexible delineators (also called rapid implementation projects) or in concrete. For those projects built in concrete, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements will be made, including curb ramp and pedestrian access route upgrades.

    Where will improvements be installed and how were these locations chosen?

    The project will install rapid implementation bulb-outs (also known as curb extensions) at six intersections and concrete bulb-outs at two intersections. See the map in the Important Links section for further details. Prior crash history and community input, including feedback gathered during the 2020-21 Havana Street Corridor Study, informed initial project designs and helped prioritize project locations.

    Who is involved in the project?

    The project team is closely coordinating design review with the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and a stakeholder working group comprising city of Aurora leadership, Aurora Public Schools (APS) and the Regional Transportation District (RTD).

    How can I learn more about the project and anticipated construction timing?

    Subscribe for project updates (click the "Follow Project" widget above) to stay informed. The project team hosted a public meeting in April 2023 - see Documents and Videos tab for meeting materials. The project team anticipates that final project designs will be available in Summer 2024. The project team will post final designs and share anticipated construction timing with the community at that time.