When is the navigation campus expected to open?

    Upon completing renovations, the facility is planned to open late 2025. 

    What is the cost of the property and where does funding come from?

    The property's $26.5 million purchase price is based on an appraisal that a third-party appraisal firm prepared on Nov. 16, 2023. 

    The city has gathered $39,991,454 in funding for the navigation campus project. Funding sources include: 

    • $15,360,852 – Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA)
    • $5,000,000 – Aurora American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funds
    • $3,734,741 – Aurora Housing and Urban Development (HUD) HOME-ARP funds
    • $5,000,000 – Adams County ARPA funds 
    • $3,270,861 – Adams County HUD HOME-ARP funds 
    • $5,000,000 – Arapahoe County ARPA funds 
    • $1,125,000 – Douglas County ARPA funds 
    • $1,500,000 – Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) COVID funds 

    What type of community outreach is planned for this project?

    Aurora city staff have already consulted with service providers on the type of programming and services the navigation campus should provide. They also plan to engage with nearby residents, business owners, and other stakeholders in the area of the proposed navigation campus, including those in nearby Denver, to create good neighbor plans. 

    Engagement with those experiencing homelessness will also be crucial and part of this project.

    Will the navigation campus support families?

    No. Currently, the navigation campus is planned to support only adults (18+). 

    It is best practice to have separate shelters for families and singles due to each group's unique challenges and needs.

    How will the city of Aurora incorporate safety for neighboring communities?

    Good neighbor practices that the city of Aurora will implement include:

    • 8’ fencing around the entire campus
    • Positive control of exits and entry points
    • Transportation provided to and from campus
    • Careful selection of operator with experience running shelters
    • The facility will operate 24/7, program participants will not be asked to leave at any time during the day
    • Frequent patrols from the Aurora Police Department
    • Regular neighborhood clean-ups
    • Good Neighbor Agreement

    The "Good Neighbor Agreement" outlines the commitment and shared responsibilities of the city of Aurora, the navigation campus operator, and neighbors in establishing and maintaining positive relationships. We all share common goals, including: 

    1. Maintaining a peaceful, safe, and clean neighborhood; 
    2. Sharing open and honest communication;  
    3. Helping each other address concerns and solve problems;
    4. Offering a public service for the benefit of the neighborhood and community

    What are the anticipated services offered at the campus?

    • Employment services
    • Workforce development
    • Transitional housing
    • Addictions counseling
    • Mental health services
    • Case management
    • Housing navigation
    • Day shelter/navigation services
    • Emergency shelter
    • Medical clinic
    • Dental care
    • Medical respite beds

    What is Aurora's approach to providing services at the campus?

    The city of Aurora has adopted a "work-first" approach. 

    Tier 1: Low-barrier emergency shelter
    This option is available nightly for anyone seeking shelter, and there are no requirements other than following general rules.

    Tier 2: Engaged short-term shelter
    This option offers slightly more privacy and allows longer stays for participants engaged with case management and working towards housing and/or employment goals.

    Tier 3: Workforce transitional housing
    This option is for participants who have completed step two and are actively working through the program. They have jobs and are closer to achieving housing and self-sufficiency.

    Where can I find the links to recorded public meetings about this project?

    You've come to the right place. Below are links to the recordings of recent meetings and presentations. 

    Where can I find job opportunities for the Aurora Regional Navigation Campus?

    Advance, the campus operator, is hiring. Check out their open positions.

    How can I provide feedback or report a concern?

    There are two ways to provide feedback or report concerns: