What are the boundaries of the project area?

    The extents of this project are Montview Boulevard between Oswego Street and Fitzsimons Parkway, through the Anschutz Campus.

    What is the purpose of this project?

    The primary purpose of this project is to enhance multimodal safety, comfort, and access along Montview Boulevard between Oswego Street and Fitzsimons Parkway. Enhancing conditions for biking and walking and reducing congestion for motor vehicles along the corridor are both priorities for the city of Aurora. As the surrounding Anschutz campus continues to develop and expand, it is important that this key corridor serves all users well and ties the north and south portions of the campus together. Enhancing the aesthetic along the corridor and providing a welcoming environment is another key focus of the project; the city is intent on making this stretch of Montview Boulevard an attractive, functional space for both traveling and gathering.

    What will be the outcome of this project?

    This project will enhance travel for all users along Montview Boulevard between Oswego Street and Fitzsimons Parkway. Once constructed, the new Montview Boulevard will feature off-street separated bike lanes and widened continuous sidewalks, separated by a buffer zone with landscaping and amenities, along both sides of the corridor, as well as traffic calming features to enhance safety. Roadway improvements including additional travel lanes near major intersections, turn lanes, and additional traffic signals will help reduce congestion and improve campus access for motor vehicles. Bus and shuttle stops along Montview will be upgraded to provide more space and amenities for transit patrons. The Central Plaza area will become a key center activity for the campus, with additional design elements to prioritize pedestrians and to emphasize its status as a gathering space.   Placemaking features such as landscaping, pedestrian lighting, and amenities will enhance the look and feel of the corridor.

    Why is it important for you to be informed of this project?

    Montview Boulevard is an important corridor in Aurora and we want to make sure it serves the needs of all users, so we want to ensure that you are thoroughly informed of the changes coming to your area.

    Who is involved in this project?

    This project is led by the city of Aurora. A large group of stakeholders have been instrumental in establishing the vision for Montview Boulevard, including the University of Colorado, CU Medicine, RTD, Aurora Housing Authority, Aurora Public Schools, Aimco, the Fitzsimons Redevelopment Authority, and the Colorado Science and Technology Metro District.

    How have we engaged the community in this project?

    A large group of stakeholders has been instrumental in establishing the vision for Montview Boulevard and in helping progress that vision toward implementation. Since the design began in 2018, the city has worked closely with representatives from the University of Colorado, Children’s Hospital, the development community, and other entities to ensure the corridor design will work for everyone.