Phase Two Open Houses

Phase two of Our Parks, Our Places: A Plan for Aurora’s Parks, Recreation and Open Space is coming to an end and now we're sharing what we've learned. Parks, Recreation and Open Space staff have received insightful input from our community around how they currently use the parks, recreation and open space system and what they would like to see in the future. We've taken that input into consideration as we created the guiding principles for the master plan and established priorities moving forward. Now we need your feedback again! How can we improve services? What barriers should we prioritize? How would you choose to invest in the future of Parks, Recreation and Open Space in Aurora?
Join us in-person at two open houses to learn more and give us your feedback.
- Thursday, Feb. 9, 4 - 7 p.m., Southeast Recreation Center and Fieldhouse, 25400 E. Alexander Drive
- Friday, Feb. 10, 2 - 5 p.m., Expo Recreation Center, 10955 E. Exposition Ave.
Can't join us in-person? Check out the information below and share your thoughts virtually!
Click the links next to tree icons in the PDF to share feedback via Quickpolls, or follow the links below after reviewing the PDF.
- How could we improve events and programs?
- Which barrier should PROS work to address first?
- How do we prioritize improvements to make PROS spaces more welcoming?
- How would you invest in the future?
Share your thoughts on the guiding principles which will shape the goals and outcomes of the plan. To share additional ideas or thoughts please leave a comment on the Forum or email
Thanks for participating. The campaign has concluded.