Our Parks, Our Places Master Plan Preview

Thank you to all who have joined us on the journey of Our Parks, Our Places: A Plan for Aurora’s Parks, Recreation and Open Space. City and Sasaki staff have connected with residents across the community since summer 2022 and we are excited about what the future holds for the city of Aurora’s Parks, Recreation and Open Space Department.
A full draft of the master plan will be available for public review in October. Check back here for a link when it is available. Final approval is anticipated for the first quarter of 2024.
In the meantime, follow the links below to see a preview of what we’ve learned and the six guiding principles that will drive the department into the future.
Our Parks, Our Places Pamphlet (English)
Nuestros Parques, Nuestros Lugares Folleto (Espanol)
Thanks for participating. The campaign has concluded.